Posts Tagged ‘vision’


Posted: October 5, 2009 in behavior, people, satire
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Is it only the blind who know the agony of blindness? Not quite. The original blind does not care for the existence of light. Blindness to a blind is like flightlessness to whales. You miss flight only if you have known to fly, seen what it is.

Blindness is an extreme pain to one who has just lost his vision. However he too, eventually gets accustomed to the dark world. In a way, he learns to be blind. Some sell it to generate sympathy. Some are forced to blindness and used by others, sometimes themselves blind, for profiteering.

Certain faculties of the blind get unusually amplified. They may have feelings which cannot be felt by those with vision. They become extremely sensitive, reacting to events which never get affect one with vision. Good and bad are not exactly black and white; they are just names – extremely subjective in their meanings and values. Some words are common, but after all, the dark is a different world.

Blindness unites the blind. They feel for each other, discussing the pain which can be called as pain by just the blind, attributing all of it, and perhaps more, to those with vision. They are not bothered by the pains typical to people with vision, and just love it if vision is lost. The one with the light however feel for the blind, and toil for their welfare. In fact, in the long run, only those who see light may realize the agony of being blind; may really forgive the mistakes that blinds make so casually, habitually.